Kunstwerke und Wissenschaft
Plenary Talks
25 Okt 2020
Tribute to Konrad Steffen: The Arctic and Climate Change
Michel Bourqui
Diane Burko
Jason Box
Thomas Stocker
27 Okt 2020
We pollute, thus we are!?
Kathleen A. Mar
Claudia Schildknecht
Marie-Claire Graf & Martina Rapp
29 Okt 2020
Upstream into the future: about restoration, community, and traditional knowledge
Tero Mustonen
Chantal Bilodeau
Matthew Skjonsberg
30 Okt 2020
How extreme can it be? Rebels asking for the storm
Friederike Otto
Chris Wilmott
Irmi Seidl
Anna-Lena Mayer & Jakob Winkler speaking
31 okt 2020
What if we used our power? Courage is as contagious as fear
Paribesh Pradhan
Fernando Aranda
5 Nov 2020
Kreativ verantwortlich oder verantwortlich kreativ?
Sige Nagels
Marcel Bernet
Friederike Rass
read more about DEAR2050: Humans Respond to Climate Change
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DEAR2050: Humans Respond to Climate Change was generously supported by the following partners
Partner und Sponsoren 2020