Lydia Moyer

Lydia Moyer’s work is a personal response to a sense of crisis in the world. It casts the individual amidst the collective, wrestling with the overwhelming social, political, and environmental concerns that are the shadow of capitalism. She engages with these concerns alternately by conflating one with another, speaking from the past or future in order to address the present, and playing with the strange and uncanny amidst melancholy and grief. Moving equally and sometimes seamlessly between self-created and existing materials, she hopes to evoke a felt-sense of unshielded – and unheroic – awareness through image, sound, and text.


After Change by Fernando Aranda

For ‘Extinction’, the artist removed all animal and human life from original photos of Hiroshi Sugimoto’s Dioramas, a series of large-scale photos from natural history museums.

Left behind are empty, ghostly landscapes, void of all vibrancy, creating an unshielded awareness of a future that could be – if we don’t take action.

Für «Extinction» löschte die Künstlerin alles tierische und menschliche Leben aus Originalfotos von Hiroshi Sugimotos grossformatigen Naturkundedioramen.

Dabei hinterlässt sie leere, geisterhafte Landschaften und schafft in der Totenstille ein kompromissloses Bewusstsein für eine mögliche Zukunft – wenn wir nicht handeln.