the mountain that got stuck in the delta works
Martine van Lubeek
Martine van Lubeek is a facilitator, an archivist, an artist with a strong focus on working place-based. Her practice is revolved around questions of relationality, place and the more than human. She plays with the relations within an environment by bringing in exotics to interfere with the existing agents and extracting materials from a specific place. The materials she uses are most often carriers of more than humans. Her installations work as subjective archives of a specific place.
The mountain that got stuck in the delta works
The mountain that got stuck in the delta works is an ever-continuing archive of sand along the Dutch seashore and visualizes the possible (hi)stories that are embedded within these single grains of sand. The carriers of the sand are the remains of mechanisms to prevent coastal erosion and perform their final task: the safekeeping of the sand, for in the future we may not have any left.
The different materials in the installation each have their own story connected to sustainability. The driftwood, timber groynes, asphalt brick were found at the various walks I took along the seashore. I created the paper out of helm grass and remnants of texts on place and the ink is a combination of walnut bark and oak gall. The nails and the coal are both second-hand.