
Eva Lippert

The illustrator Eva Lippert is fascinated by the relationship between colours, shapes and materials. For her work, she draws on current events and is inspired by personal experiences in nature and from travelling. She often works with salvaged or recycled materials, incorporating their properties into her artwork.

2019/ 2020, knitting, yarn, watercolour painting, drawing, weaving, textile collages, embroidery, salvaged objects, wood and feathers
140cm x 140cm

For Paraiso, Eva Lippert used different techniques such as knitting, painting, weaving, collage and sewing. The diversity of materials and techniques reflects the complexity of forest life. Each element is integral to the entirety of the work, just as each creature plays a key role in the forest ecosystem. The piece has the shape of a burn hole and is surrounded by flames, which is a reference to the mass destruction of forests through fire. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and thus reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Strategic worldwide reforestation could compensate up to two-thirds of man-made CO2. However, deforestation due to forest fires and clearing is increasing worldwide, including in Europe.

The focus of the work is a symbolic representation of man and woman, and its name refers to the biblical origin story. Is the forest our paradise, without which we couldn’t live? How does this idea change when humans are removed from the centre, instead positioned on an equal level in an interwoven world?

Multimedia collage depicting a forest